HQF3+PP6, Chhapar-Rohana-Charthawal Rd, Mahraipur, Uttar Pradesh-251307

Best Kindergarten

facilities for Your Kids


Welcome To Mission International Academy

Welcome to a learning community where every child is valued, every talent is nurtured, and every dream is inspired. At Mission International Academy, we foster a supportive and inclusive environment that encourages academic excellence, creativity, and social responsibility. Join us on a journey to create future leaders equipped with knowledge, integrity, and compassion.


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Information About MIA

"It is with immense pride and responsibility that I welcome you to our school. Our vision has always been to create a nurturing environment where learning is a vibrant experience of discovery and growth. With a team of dedicated educators, we aim to provide a holistic education that prepares students for future challenges and opportunities."

Founder - Dr. R.K. Singh

Our Services

Our Best Services For Your Kids

Our Activities

Our Best Activities For Your Kids

Student Life

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News & Events

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Our Founder

Meet Our Founder and Academy Staff

See Our Mission International Academy Gallery!